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Reid Y2

Welcome to Year 2's Class Page


Year 2 marks the last year of KS1 and it is a very fun, exciting and busy year. Your child will lots and take part in exciting opportunities linked to our six topics - Sports Camp, Music Through the Ages, Explores, Victorians, Sunflowers and Wacky Races.

What are we learning?

Have a look at the curriculum coverage below which shows the curriculum content and topics for the year.

Modroc hands for our Sports Camp topic book cover

We had so much fun making and eating our fruit salads as part of our Sports Camp topic.

We are learning to skip in our PE lessons.

Still image for this video


*Daily reading is expected at least 3 times a week but preferably every night.

*Spelling homework is given out on a Friday and is due in the following Thursday. There will be a Spelling Test each Thursday.

*Maths homework is given out on Friday and is due in the following Thursday.


Co-ordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions and expanded noun phrases are key grammar objectives which are taught in Year 2. The websites below will support your child with these.


Number bonds to 10 and 20, telling the time and the 2, 5 and 10 times tables are key maths objectives taught in Year Two. The websites below have games to support your child learning these facts.