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Rowan Y6 2021-2022




For Maths we had started the Measurements unit of converting different units of measurements. I have put up some fluency work up for the children to consolidate their learning from last week. There is a place value grid to support them and a poster that has the method on they have learnt (under converting length).


Please remember if you multiply by 10, 100 or 1000 the digits move to the left and if you divide they move to the right. 



For English, we have started a new book called Wonder. However, for today we will do a Grammar lesson. I would like you to work through the BBC Bitesize lesson on Simple, Compound and Complex sentences. I will provide the link below, please just complete the work on lined/plain paper and work through all four activities. 

Spelling Sheet:



We are currently completing an Art unit of creating our own self-portrait in the style of George Braque. We have practised drawing eyes and noses so I would like you to practise drawing mouths and ears this afternoon. I have put for guides below to support you.


In English, we have started a new unit of work. Within this unit, we are focusing on writing our very own biography on Josiah Wedgwood. We have been looking at our focus text on Josiah Spode and have explored the vocabulary within it, identifying words we did not understand and finding their meanings in the content of the text. 


Lesson 1 - Read through the text and identify words that you are unsure of. Then find the definition of the word and record what word class it is. 


Lesson 2 - Read through the text again and highlight the ten words that you feel are the most important to understand the text. Then sort the words from the Zone of Relevance sheet into three categories of synonyms of Determined, Famous and Pioneering. After, you will choose a category and place the words onto the zone of relevance with the most interesting/suitable words in the centre and the least interesting/appealing words in the outer circle. 


Lesson 3 - Grammar lesson. Marking homework and completing the activity on adverbial phrases. 


Lesson 4 - 


Lesson 5 - Text marking. Using the success criteria, text mark the focus text for the key features of a biography. 

Materials Topic Personalised Learning


For our English unit, we will be looking at Newspaper Reports, focusing on the Potteries. 


We have read through the text and explored the vocabulary within it, summarised the main points of each paragraph and answered comprehension questions. 

If your child has not done these activities then they could complete them at home. 

The following week (week beginning 10/1/22) I will be sending a zoom link home for your child to join the lessons. I will send any resources needed for the lesson with the zoom link. 


I have put the text and the comprehension questions on the website. 


If you have any questions please ask,


With thanks, 


Miss Buckley

Topic Personalised Learning Activities - The Potteries


For our English unit, we have been focusing on reading the story - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. 

We have currently read part of the story and looked at how the author has used actions and dialogue to show characters motives (especially the White Witch and Edmund). We are now moving onto looking at expanded noun phrases and using synonyms and antonyms to improve our vocabulary. 

The first lesson attached is an expanded noun phrases lesson. The children need to look through the PowerPoint and then create their own expanded noun phrases using the word mat and their own ideas. There is paper provided for them to write them on. 

The second lesson is a planning lesson. We are focusing on writing a section of the story not the whole story. We are going to be writing the beginning up to the character entering their own magical place. There is a planning sheet which goes over the experience of Lucy entering the wardrobe and finding Narnia, they need to complete this and then they can use this to create their own plan. The children can use the book - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to support them, but they can create their own characters and magical place. 

Then for the next few lessons, they will need to write their own story using the word mats to support them. 


If you have any questions please ask,


With thanks, 


Miss Buckley 


Topic Personalised Learning - Fire and Ice


For our English unit, we have been focusing on writing a formal letter from Henry VIII to the Pope asking for divorce. 

We have learnt the skills of identifying formal and informal language and structures (subjunctive form). 

WB 18/10/2021:

We are now planning our letter and will be writing it this week. There is a copy of the example formal letter, which includes key information for you to include in yours and a copy of the planning sheet which can be used.

I have also included the success criteria that you will need to use to write your letter.

Remember these points as you are writing:

  • You are requesting a divorce not demanding one.
  • You are requesting a divorce as you believe that your marriage to Catherine of Aragon is a sin as it went against God's laws. 
  • You are the Defender of the Faith and are willing to continue to support and defend the Pope if he grants you your divorce. 
  • Remember this is a formal letter and you should not include contractions, abbreviations or slang. 

English Work Resources:

Topic Personalised Learning - Animals


Dear Parents/ Carers,


Below, I have uploaded some work that any children, who are self-isolating, can complete while at home. 


There is separate maths work for year 5 and year 6. I have uploaded the whole unit for each class, the year 5 unit is Percentages and Decimals, please ask your child where they are up to and get them to work on from that point. The year 6 unit is a new unit, Algebra so they can start from the beginning. 


For their English work we have been focusing on a producing a recount of our experiences at Standon Bowers and creating a persuasive leaflet to encourage people to visit Standon Bowers. 

Your child will know which activity they should be completing. I will attach an example of a persuasive leaflet below. If they could make it look like a leaflet that would be fantastic. If any children finish their recount, then they can complete a persuasive leaflet as well. 


For topic, we are learning about Earth. I would like the children to complete a project on a famous earthquake and create a fact file about it. 


I have included some Euro activities for the children to complete. 


Keep safe,


Miss Buckley 

Videos for the maths worksheets:

Videos for the maths worksheets:


Dear Year 5/6 parents and carers,


I hope that you have had a restful half term.


I have updated the class web page with the new maths, English and science units.

  • English - Writing a Biography
  • Maths - Multiplication and Division 
  • Topic - Science - Healthy Human Body


I have also added the teaching videos to help if children get stuck with their maths work. This will last for the next three weeks beginning Monday 22nd and I will also be updating you with daily expectations including tasks for foundation subjects. 


Please practise spellings everyday- weekly spellings Spring 2 Week 1 onwards.  Also practise times tables on TT rock stars for 10 minutes each day.  


Zoom Lessons: 


Maths -  11:00am

English -  2pm 

Friday's zoom is at 1:15pm 


With thanks,


Miss Buckley 

Maths Videos:

Week 1

Week 2


Hello Year 5/6 parents,


As you are aware we are off until at least the February half term. Below is all the information you need and copies of the work packs that have been sent home.


These are the zoom times that will remain the same, except for a Friday afternoon where the zoom will be at 1:15pm. 


Math's Lesson - 11:00am


English Lesson - 2:00pm


For the rest of this half term we will be using the following packs:


  • Ancient Egyptian Work Book
  • Ancient Egyptian Resource Booklet
  • Maths: Geometry: Position and Direction 
  • English: Writing a Diary Entry


With thanks 


Miss Buckley 


Hello Year 5/6 parents,


As you are aware we are not in tomorrow, Monday 23rd November. I am just writing to explain what will be happening tomorrow, concerning their work and zoom times. 


The children will not be using the packs sent home, there will be individual class lessons with zoom calls to support them. The zoom calls are mandatory and attendance will be taken. 


Our first zoom call is at 11:30am and this will cover the English lesson.


Our second zoom call is at 3:00pm and this will cover the Maths lesson.


These are resources to support the lesson. If you do not have access to a printer then you can complete the activities on a piece of paper. 


With thanks 


Miss Buckley 

The sheets above are split into, 1 star, 2 stars and 3 stars.

Using your guided reading groups, complete the following activity:


Red group = 1 star activity 

Yellow and Orange group = 2 star activity 

Green and Silver group = 3 star activity

Please underline your fronted adverbials, adjectives (expanded noun phrases), relative clauses and subordinate clauses in different colours. 


If you can't print any sheets at home, you can complete the work on a lined or blank piece of paper.

Home Learning Packs: Maths and English

Dear Year 5/6,


This is just a recap of what was discussed on the zoom call today regarding the work. 


For English this week, the children need to complete the planning and write up of their Newspaper report on the opening of Stonehenge. There is also a reading comprehension that the children can do from Friday's work.

They DO NOT start the information text unit, this is in case the government decide on a circuit breaker during half term.


For Maths, the year 6's need to complete the following worksheets:

  • Long division (2)
  • Long division (3)
  • Long division (4)
  • Factors 

The year 5's need to complete these worksheets:

  • Use line graphs to solve problems
  • Read and interpret tables
  • Two-way tables
  • Timetables

All resources, including the video, are below. 


DO NOT continue through the booklet. The multiplication and division (year 5) unit is for the circuit breaker. For the year 6's the following worksheets are for the circuit breaker to. 



Complete Friday's lesson on the prehistoric settlements (resources are further down the page). Then using the personalised questions complete at least 1 activity for this week. If you completed the prehistoric settlements task on Friday, complete 2 activities from the personalised learning sheet this week. 


If you have any questions just email me at:




Keep safe 


Miss Buckley 

English: Complete the writing of the newspaper report for the WB 18/20/2020

Maths: Work your way through the booklet - complete 4 lessons for WB 19/10/2020

Year 5 Maths Videos:

Year 5 - This is the video for the worksheet - Use line graphs to solve problems.

Still image for this video

Year 5 - This is the video for the worksheet - Read and interpret tables

Still image for this video

Year 5 - This is the video for the worksheet - Two-way tables

Still image for this video

Year 5 - This is the video for the worksheet - Timetables

Still image for this video
Year 6 Maths Videos:

Year 6 - This is the video for the worksheet - Long Division 2

Still image for this video

Year 6 - This is the video for the worksheet - Long Division 3

Still image for this video

Year 6 - This is the video for the worksheet - Long Division 4

Still image for this video

Year 6 - This is the video for the worksheet - Factors

Still image for this video
Home Learning for 16/10/2020

Dear Year 5/6 parents and carers,


As you will now be aware your child will be home schooling until half term. Due to this, your child’s learning, for today, is now available here. The work includes: Maths, English and Topic lessons for today’s learning.


If you have any questions, about any of the work, please do not hesitate to contact me at: stpcyear1@icloud.com


Keep safe,


Miss B Buckley

Home Learning Letter - 16.10.2020




Up until October half term, Year 5/6 will be focusing on the four operations in Maths. The children will need to carry on with one double sided sheet a day from the last one they completed in school. 


Year 5:

I can add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers.

I can multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing upon known facts.

I can identify multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs of a number, and common factors of two numbers.

I can add and subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits, including using formal written methods (columnar addition and subtraction).

I can use rounding to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of a problem, levels of accuracy.

I can solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why.

I can multiply and divide whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.

I can multiply numbers up to 4 digits by a one- or two-digit number using a formal written method, including long multiplication for two-digit numbers.

I can divide numbers up to 4 digits by a one-digit number using the formal written method of short division and interpret remainders appropriately for the context.

I can recognise and use square numbers and cube numbers, and the notation for squared (2) and cubed (3).

I can solve problems involving multiplication and division including using their knowledge of factors and multiples, squares and cubes.        


Year 6:

I can perform mental calculations, including with mixed operations and large numbers

I can identify common factors, common multiples and prime numbers

I can use their knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the 4 operations

I can solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why

I can multiply multi-digit numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long multiplication

I can divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long division, and interpret remainders as whole number remainders, fractions, or by rounding, as appropriate for the context

I can divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit number using the formal written method of short division where appropriate, interpreting remainders according to the context

I can solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

I use estimation to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of a problem, an appropriate degree of accuracy


Use the resources below.


Complete a Pobble each day from the website below.



Our reading focus this unit is predicting what might happen next in the text, using details from the text.  

Use the questions below with any book.

  • Can you think of another story, which has a similar theme; e.g. good over evil; weak over strong; wise over foolish? Do you think this story will go the same way?
  • Do you know of another story which deals with the same issues; e.g. social; moral; cultural? Could this happen in this story?
  • Which other author handles time in this way; e.g. flashbacks; dreams?
  • Which stories have openings like this? Do you think this story will develop in the same way?
  • Why did the author choose this setting? Will that influence how the story develops?
  • How is character X like someone you know? Do you think they will react in the same way?

Year 5:

Use the spelling sheet week 3.


Year 6:

Use the spelling sheet week 4.


Sentence work We have been looking at direct speech and how to punctuate it correctly. We have also been focusing on Nouns and Pronouns. 
Topic Topic lessons - See all lessons below. Can children complete the lessons they have missed. 

Maths - Year 6 - Four operations unit

Maths - Year 5 - Four Operations Unit


Topic Lesson 7 - How do earthquakes occur?