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Regardless of the school's location - if you are applying for a Reception Class place,

you need to apply online through your local authority web page

Staffordshire County Council, if you pay council tax in Staffordshire or Stoke-on-Trent City Council, if you pay council tax in Stoke on Trent. 

St. Peter's admits children in the September following their fourth birthday. 

Please speak to the office if you have any queries.


Primary/Infant/First Schools ONLY - Reception application process

The application process for a Reception place, for September 2025, will open on 01 November 2024.

The easiest way for parents to apply is online. Further information can be found on our website.

The closing date is 15 January 2025.

Please see the letter informing of the process, along with a copy of the co-ordinated scheme dates and Children’s Act letter for separated parents.

To apply visit: (www.staffordshire.gov.uk/admissions).

Please scroll down to see all relevant information.



Applying for a Reception (F2) place - Staffordshire council-tax payers

Applying for a Reception (F2) place - Stoke on Trent council-tax payers

Admission to Reception Class (F2) - Sept 2023 - Timetable

Parental Responsibility

Admissions Policy 2023 - 2030

St Peter's Nursery admits children in September of each year after their 3rd birthday.  If you are interested in a nursery place, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 

To apply for a nursery place for the academic year September 2025 - July 2026, please call the school office on 01782 393118.

Nursery Application September 2024-2025

Please see the Nursery page for future years' Application Forms.

St Peter's Nursery & Early Years Funding