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St Peter’s prides itself on providing a rich and full curriculum, which will inspire the future generation of artists and designers. To open up learning opportunities that engage and encourage a thirst for knowledge is essential to promote progress and understanding. By the completion of year six we want the children to have the desire to expand their knowledge in these subjects as they continue their learning journey. In art and DT, we would like them to have experienced a wide range of materials, tools and techniques and be able to apply these in a variety of ways incorporating a wide range of skills learnt throughout previous years inspired by the study of a range of artists and designers.

Visual Art Progression Map

KS1 have been learning how to make animals in clay. They started off drawing the animals they were going to make, then they practised the skills they needed using playdough and finally transferred these skills to making animals in clay. They have added texture using a range of clay tools. 

Year 1 and 2 Clay Animal Sculptures

This year we are completing a portraiture unit in KS2. Year 3 and 4 compared several portraiture artists but focused on Pablo Picasso. Year 5 also compared several portraiture artists, but focused on Roy Lichtenstein. Year 6 focused on Tudor portraits. Portraiture was chosen to build pupils' skills in portraiture drawing using pencils and other drawing materials, while making links to prior learning about Tudor portraits from our Tudor history topic. 

Look at our amazing portraiture in Year 3, 4 and 5