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Healthy Minds Activities

Mental Health Activities

Try to remember for Early Years, learning should be short, fun, practical, with lots of talking and explaining about the tasks. Try to ask open ended questions so the children have to think to provide their answer. Well done you are all doing a fantastic job of home schooling and keep up the good work. Missing you all!  Best Wishes The Foundation Team 

What are your worries and how can you cope? This activity sheet will give your child the opportunity to talk about the current situation. This is not a requirement, just here to support anyone who might need it.

Accessing Books Online from our Reading Scheme

Collins - the company that publishes our school reading scheme - have very kindly agreed to allow parents to access all books online while children remain at home.

Please see below how you can do this.


Access 330+ free KS1 ebooks from our primary reading programme

Go to Collins Connect and click on the Teacher portal and enter: 

Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk

Password: Parents20! 

and click Login. 

Here is a suggested timetable for your child's home learning day.

Here you will find some great ideas for home learning, selected by the Foundation Team. We look forward to seeing examples of your work on the school Facebook page!  

Big Cat Phonics Power Point