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Ingmar Y5 2021-2022

Dear parents and carers,


Please find below work for children to complete if they are absent from school isolating or awaiting test results.


You will find maths worksheets and the corresponding video lessons below for our current unit of work, decimals and percentages. Work out which is their next lesson and watch the video, completing the worksheets as directing in the video. After they have completed the worksheet they can mark their work using the answer sheet. For English follow the Oak academy unit of work below about writing a persuasive letter. There is also a topic personalised learning menu for our new topic, Geography - Fire and Ice, from which your child can choose a topic task to complete every day. 


Please encourage your child to read every day and practice spellings and times tables. 


Kind regards,

Mrs Garvey

English - Writing a persuasive letter


Follow the Oak Academy English lesson unit on persuasive writing. Begin on lesson 1 and work through the lessons, one per day. The links for the unit are below. 


Topic Personalised Learning - Fire and Ice