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Read (at least) six books during the summer holidays and fill in the record sheet. Don't forget to bring it back in September to claim your reward. Have fun!

Look at this amazing house Melody has made from the time of the Great Fire of London. She has written a fantastic diary entry too. What wonderful work, well done Melody.

Here are Carter and Henry's amazing Great Fire poems. Well done boys.

Work for the weeks beginning 6th July and 13th July

I can't believe we only have two weeks left of the term. I have been so proud of all the children and how they have all adapted during these most unusual times. It was great to see those of you who were on Zoom last week. I will be in school next week so I am posting all the work for the last two weeks.


Week beginning 6.7.20

It's the second week on money and the focus is on giving change and solving problems. I have included the Focus Maths and White Rose materials below. There are supporting games on Education City too.

Week beginning 13.7.20

I thought it would be good to finish the term with some number bond and counting revision. There are activities below and supporting games on Education City.


Week beginning 6.7.20

It is the final week of the diary unit so the focus this week is to plan and write a diary entry. I would like the children to imagine they were at the Great Fire of London and would like them to write a diary entry about the fire. I've attached two planning sheets below and then the success criteria for your child to use as they are writing their diary entry. The spellings for both weeks are common exception words.

Week beginning 13.7.20

I've added some fun activities below. The first is an A to Z of what your child has learnt this year and the second is a memory year record sheet to record their memories of Year 2.


Week beginning 6.7.20

For topic this week I would like the children to think of questions they might like to ask Samuel Pepys. I have also included a Fire fighters now and then sorting activity.

Week beginning 13.7.20

The activity for the final week is to design and make a house from the time of the Great Fire of London. There are some examples and templates below.

The usual RE and Computing activities are below too.


I will be in touch each week to let you know the day and time  of each week's Zoom meeting. Finally I would like to thank you all for your continued support at home and for the fabulous job you have all done with the home schooling. It has been an absolute pleasure to have taught your children this year and I am just sorry I could not spend the whole year with them. I hope you all stay safe and enjoy the summer and hope to catch up with you all in September.

Best wishes,

Rachel Bagshaw.

Resources for weeking beginning 6/7/20 
Resources for weeking beginning 13/7/20 

Faith at Home: PATIENCE

Patience is one of those qualities that we all need to develop especially when times are tough, when people and governments are frustrating. Patience to wait for the right time, patience with each other and the patience to wait on God when things seem to be taking so long to sort themselves out. The Bible is filled with stories of people like Mary, David, Moses and Noah who had to wait for the right time, for God’s time.
‘…clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience’ (Colossians 3:1)


Use this resource to watch the videos and talk about the pictures with your family. There are also short worship activities to do at home. 

Look at Charlie's amazing Great Fire poem. Well done Charlie B x

Here are the answers from the Zoom quiz today. It was really good to see you all xx

Dylan has done some excellent outdoor learning this week. He's been to the National Memorial Arboretum and has found out lots of fascinating facts from the war memorials.

Here are some amazing fire poems from Melody, Dylan and Eva. Well done.

What an amazing idea! Melody has designed and then made a Great Fire of London cake with the help of Alec. It looks fantastic and I bet was delicious to eat.

Wow look at this amazing work from Carter. What a superstar you are Carter Moore! Well done.

Work for week beginning 22.6.20

It was amazing to see the children on Friday during the Zoom meeting. I was so proud of how they took part in the listening game and completed the quiz. It made my day seeing everyone. The Zoom meeting for this week is on Thursday at 11am, I think I'll start again with the listening game and then think of another quiz type activity.


The final unit for maths this year is money. I have broken this unit down so it will cover two weeks. This week the focus will be recognising and using coins then making totals. I thought I'll leave change and problem solving until next week. I have included the White Rose activities below. There will be supporting activities on Education City too.  


This is the second week of the diary writing unit. Week 2 is the week where we focus on grammar skills. This week the focus is proof reading your work and correcting spellings and punctuation. I have included two activity packs below that require the children to find and correct the mistakes in the sentences. Another objective for this week is ensuring letters are the correct size so I've included a handwriting pack below too. I've put some grammar games on Education City too. The spellings for this week focus on il, le and el word endings.


The topic work this week is an English applied task. I would like the children to write a fire poem. I have included an example poem below. I have included a senses planning sheet below so the children can plan ideas for their poem. Your child can decide how they present their poem. I've added some fire board paper and some acrostic poem templates below so your child can choose how to present their week. Also please don't feel you have to print loads of things out, it could be done on blank paper and decorated just as nicely. For a bit of fun, I've added a Great Fire word search.


The web link below will take you to the  Think U Know E-Safety activities. A new 8th week has been added.


Church of England has produced short Faith at Home activities that support the Christian values of our school. This week we are focusing on Love. Please use the link below to access the resources.

I hope you all have a good week.  I'll send the Zoom meeting email roughly an hour before the meeting. Looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday.

Lots of love

Mrs Bagshaw x


Henry's amazing work this week. I love the 3D effect of the houses and how they've fallen down in the fire. Great work Henry.

Here are the answers to the Zoom quiz. It was amazing to see the children and I'm so proud of them all.

Here is Eva with her fantastic fire picture. The fire colours are amazing. Well done Eva.

A fantastic Great Fire picture by Charlie. Well done Charlie.

Here is Dylan with his fantastic Great Fire of London timeline. Great work Dylan.

Here is some fantastic work from Henry. Well done Henry, you're a star⭐️

Work for week beginning 22.6.20

It was lovely to see all of those of you who were at the Zoom meeting. It was great to see the children excited to see their friends. We are going to arrange another Zoom meeting this week with a more formal structure. I was thinking a listening name game to start and then a basic quiz. I'll be in touch with the day and time. Please find below the work for this week.


The focus for this week is statistics. The main graphs we focus on in Y2 are block graphs (previously called bar charts), pictograms and tally charts. I have included the focus maths and White Rose activities below. There will be supporting activities on Education City.  


We are starting the final unit of Y2 which is a diary writing unit. I have included two reading comprehensions below. One is the diary of Samuel Pepys and the other is the diary of Sally Potts. Both diaries recall the events of the Great Fire of London. If you watch the Samuel Pepys Powerpoint and the clip attached below entitled 'Magic Grandad meets Samuel Pepys' it'll give the children some information about Samuel Pepys.  I have also included the glossary sheet again so your child can list any words they don't know the meaning of and then use a dictionary to find their meaning. The spellings for this week focus on the letter o which makes a u sound.


We are looking this week at why the Great Fire spread. I have included an information sheet below for your child to read about why the fire spread. Then there is an activity to complete about why the fire spread. I thought to complement this work it would be nice for the children to create some Great Fire of London pictures. I have included examples below of pictures where you first colour the background in fire colours, this can be paint, crayon or whatever you have in the house. Then using black paper or even card coloured black, you can add the silhouettes of the burning buildings. Please feel free to adapt this idea if you wish.


The web link below will take you to the  Think U Know E-Safety activities. A new 7th week has been added.


Church of England has produced short Faith at Home activities that support the Christian values of our school. This week we are focusing on Courage. Please use the link below to access the resources.

I hope you all have a good week. Stay safe and look after each other. I'll be in touch as soon as I've confirmed with school the day and time of the next Zoom meeting.

Lots of love

Mrs Bagshaw x


What are your worries and how can you cope? This activity sheet will give your child the opportunity to talk about the current situation. This is not a requirement, just here to support anyone who might need it.

Well done to Eva for writing this fantastic historical recount. I've given it 5 stars, excellent work ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Here's another Lockdown Legend Miss Eva Parkes. Well done Eva!


Work for the week beginning 15.6.20


The focus for maths this week is multiplication and division. The key concept the children need to understand is that multiplication is the inverse (opposite) of division. I have included the focus maths activities below as well as some White Rose activities. I have also added some supporting games on Education City.


This is the final week of the historical recount unit so the focus this week is to plan, then write a historical recount about the Great Fire of London. I have included the reading comprehension from week 1 for your child to reread and to select some of the main points to record on the planning sheet below. Then your child can use the plan to write their own recount using the success criteria below to ensure they have included all the elements required.


The focus this week is the un prefix.


The topic activities this week have a historical focus. First your child can use the sequence cards below to understand the main events of the Great Fire on London. Then the first activity asks your child to sequence the events of the Great Fire in the correct order. The second activity requires your child to put the events of the Great Fire in order on a timeline. The final activity requires your child to find London on a map and to use the map below to get a better understanding of where in London the fire actually started.


The web link below will take you to the six week block of E-Safety activities.


Church of England has produced short Faith at Home activities that support the Christian values of our school. This week we are focusing on HOPE. Please use the link below to access the resources.

I hope you all have a good week. Stay safe and look after each other.

Lots of love

Mrs Bagshaw x



Well done to Lockdown Legend Charlie for working so hard on his home learning.

Carter has received a Lockdown Legend certificate for all the fantastic work he has done this week.

Week Beginning 8th June 2020

Hi everyone!  I hope you have all had a good week, even though the recent rain has been a bit of a shock after all that lovely sunshine!

From the emails I've received, it looks as though everyone has been enjoying their work on The Great Fire of London!  It was lovely to hear how the shape work and materials work had gone too. Please find the work for this week below.


This week we return to time and recapping how to tell time to the nearest five minutes. The unit also includes sequencing and ordering events in a day. I have included the Focus Maths activities below as well as work from White Rose related to time. I have also added a selection of time games to support this on Education City too.


This week is the grammar focus of the three week historical recount block. The focus is both apostrophes for both belonging (Emma's house) and for contractions (apostrophes in place of missing letters can't, it's) as well as a recap on adjectives and adverbs (slowly, quickly). There are activities below to recap on apostrophes as well as a workbook which shows how adding suffixes can make words into adjectives or adverbs. The spellings are below too and focus on words with an al ending.


For topic we continue with a second week on materials. The activities below will encourage your child to explore the properties of materials (hard, soft, bendy, rigid etc) as well as an activity that looks at the suitability of materials for everyday uses or jobs.


I have included a link below to the Think U Know KS1 website. It has 6 home activity packs related to E-Safety which I thought your child could work through over the next 6 weeks. E-safety is a vital part of the Computing curriculum and it is so important that your child is safe when they are online.

Have a great week and do not hesitant to message me on stpcmrsbagshaw@icloud.com if you have any questions or concerns.

Lots of love to you all,

Mrs Bagshaw xx

Here is Henry with his fantastic work on materials. Well done Henry.

Work for the week beginning 1.6.20

I hope you have all enjoyed the half term break and have made the most of this fantastic weather. It was lovely to catch up with everyone before half term and I am so pleased that everyone is safe and well. We are moving into the last half term of Y2 with the topic of The Great Fire of London.


The focus this week is 2D and 3D shapes and comparing the two. I have included below the Focus maths objectives and activities plus daily lessons from White Rose. I have also put some supporting games on Education City.


The new English genre is a historical recount. I have included below a range of historical recounts plus a newspaper report. They all have comprehension questions for your child to complete. The main focus of week 1 is reading and comprehension. I have also made a glossary sheet for your child to make a note of any words they don't know the meaning of. Then they could use a dictionary to find their meaning and write it on their glossary sheet. The spellings have the letters or which are making an er sound.


The new topic is The Great Fire of London, this is mainly a history topic but starts off with a science focus on materials. I have including a presentation to explain to your child what a material is and it shows a range of materials. The topic activities this week start with materials hunts. Then there is a grouping materials activity and a describing materials activity. To support this, your child could make collections of different objects that are plastic, wood, fabric etc.

I hope you all have a great week learning about The Great Fire of London and different types of materials. Any questions or concerns please contact me via the stpcmrsbagshaw@icloud.com email.

Lots of love,

Mrs Bagshaw x


Happy half term everyone! I hope you are enjoying the sunshine. As promised here are a few optional activities for over the half term. Have a great week everyone!

Sports day fun! Well done to everyone who took part.

Carter has had a great week. Here are his amazing instructions for the yummy cake, his excellent grammar work and his detailed weather forecast for New Zealand.

Here is an amazing set of instructions from Henry and a fantastic weather forecast for Australia.

Here are Eva's fantastic instructions of how to make rainbow elephants. I've given eight stars, the first was clear title. Can you work out the rest?

Here is the weather forecast for Australia from Charlie.

Here is the weather forecast for the Isle of Man from Eva.

Here is Dylan's weather forecast for the UK.

Here is Meldoy's story. I have given it 8 stars. Can you read it and see what stars you would give it? My first star was expanded noun phrases.

Melody and Alec have made some fantastic seasons posters.

Virtual Sports Day Certificate

Here are the Virtual Sports Day event demonstration videos. 

KS1 - Throw and Catch

Still image for this video

KS1 - Egg and Spoon

Still image for this video

KS1 - Star Jumps

Still image for this video

KS1 - Dressing Up Race

Still image for this video

KS1 - Dressing Up Race Example

Still image for this video

KS1 - Paper Plane Javelin

Still image for this video

Virtual Sports Day information and score sheets

Work for the week beginning 18/5/20

I hope you are all well. It has been amazing to see all the fantastic work from last week and the children's smiley faces. I am so proud of all the children and their positive attitudes to home schooling. I will be ringing again this week for a catch up and can't wait to have a chat with my Y2 Superstars. Friday would have been Sports Day so Mr Wassell has devised a Virtual Sports Day, see the events below.


The focus for this week is position and direction looking at quarter, half and three quarter turns as well as clockwise and anticlockwise directions. I've included the Focus maths activities and some White Rose work too. There are supporting games on Education City.


There are two main tasks this week. The first is a grammar booklet on contractions. Contractions are words that have apostrophes in place of missing letters for example I'm, it's etc. The second task is to plan and write a set of instructions, these can be instructions to make whatever your child likes. I have included a planning sheet and a success criteria below so it is clear what your child must include in their instructions. There are some contraction games on Education City too. The spelling focus for this week is the ness and ment suffixes.


The focus for this week is the weather. I have included a PowerPoint below which asks your child to think back to the weather chart they completed at the beginning of the Enchanted Wood Summer Term topic. Then for the main task, the PowerPoint asks your child to devise a weather forecast for a place of their choice. It is totally up to you how you wish to do your forecast, it could be a drawn or printed map with the weather symbols written on or your child may wish to video record themselves doing a weather forecast. I have included a Uk and World map below to support this task.


Finally Friday would have been sports day. The list of sports day activities is below so you can all take part at home. There will be video examples put on the school website throughout the week so you can start practising each day. A record sheet will be posted too so your scores can be recorded. I have included some colouring sheets below and certificates so you can prepare for the big day.

Virtual sports day races

1. Egg and spoon (hard boiled egg, potato or suitably shaped stone)

2. Dressing up race (hat, gloves, scarf, coat)

3. Star jumps in 1 minute.

4. Throw and catch in 1 minute with mum or dad

5. Paper plane javelin

6. Design your own obstacle course (optional)

Have a great week and I look forward to catching up with you all by phone. Please contact my by email stpcmrsbagshaw@icloud.com in the meantime if you have any concerns.

Have a good week, lots of love.

Mrs Bagshaw x

Daisy has been very busy making these gingerbread people. Yummy.

Here are some fantastic seasons posters from Carter, Eva, Charlie Daisy and Henry.

Thursday has been baking day! Madison has been making chocolate orange fudge while Dylan and Harry have been making gingerbread. Yummy 👍

Lockdown is the perfect time to read a good book. Madison has been busy reading these Jacqueline Wilson books.


I hope you all enjoyed the VE Day celebrations, it was great to see all the work from the children this week. Please find below the work for the week ahead.


The focus for this week is fractions. I have used the White Rose Maths resources this week and there is a step by step activity for each day. Also I have included the link to the White Rose website below as there is a teaching presentation for each day's learning. The fractions activities are from WEEK 2 (THIS IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE). I have  also put some supporting fraction games on Education City.

English and Spelling

The next English block is instructions, this is a shorter two week block so there is a reading activity and two grammar tasks this week. The first task is to read the instructions to make Gingerbread people and complete the reading comprehension questions related to the instructions. Then there are two grammar activity packs. The first one is for homophones, these are words that sound the same but have different spellings for example here/hear, bare/bear. The second grammar activity is related to commas in lists. Finally the spellings focus on words with the al letters that make a or sound. There are supporting games for the grammar activities on Education City.


The focus this week is the four seasons. I would like the children to think about the weather, plants and length of day associated with each season. I have included fact cards below for the seasons and a season sorting activity. Finally the main task for the children is to design a poster showing each of the seasons and the weather, plants/trees and length of day for each. This can be done in any way and you could use the sorting activity pictures if you like as part of the poster.


The computing task this week is to send an email with help. Therefore I thought the children could send me an email either sending work or just a short message. These messages can be sent to stpcmrsbagshaw@icloud.com and I'll reply to all.

Have a good week, stay safe and love to you all.

Mrs Bagshaw x

This is an amazing story to read from Mr Henry Quick. I'm so impressed, I've given 9 stars. Have a read and see if you can find them, he's used his success criteria very well. Well done Henry, I'm so proud.

Great VE Day activities from Henry, Daisy, Charlie, Carter and Dylan. Good work everyone!

Here are some amazing tree collages from Henry, Daisy, Charlie, Melody and Eva. Well done everyone!

Here is Eva's fantastic story. I've given it 5 stars and a wish. What stars would you give Eva? My first star was past tense verbs.

Here is Carter's amazing story. I've had to give it five stars and a wish as it was so good. Well done Carter. Can you read through and give Carter three stars and a wish?

Here are some ideas for your flower/tree collages from Eva.


As you are aware, there is a special day this week, VE Day (Victory in Europe Day), which is on May 8th. As a school we are going to be celebrating this by having a themed day on the 7/5/2020. On this day I would like your child to complete special activities below, some of them we will be doing as a whole school and I would love you to send me some pictures of what you get up to. We would like everyone to create their own Union Jack Flag and put it up in their window, to celebrate and say thank you to all those soldiers, who lost their lives during the war.

There is a Powerpoint for you to read through with your child to explain the importance of VE day to begin the theme day. Then the activities for the theme day are to create a flag, design a medal (this can be made practically as well as completing the worksheet), complete a reading comprehension, order the events leading up to VE Day to make a timeline (you may just want to pick key events rather than using all the timeline cards) and finally make a Spitfire glider.

Have fun and enjoy this very special celebration. Mrs Bagshaw xx



The focus for the work this week is capacity and temperature. Most of the work involves reading scales in particular temperatures on a thermometer. There are some activities below as well as supporting games and activities on Education City.

English and Spellings

The main activity this week is for the children to write their own traditional tale based on the Hansel and Gretel work they have completed. It may be that they retell the Hansel and Gretel story but change the characters and events. Firstly the children will need to use the story mountain to plan their story, the children are very familiar with this sheet and usually draw pictures with a few key words in each box to plan their story. Then when writing their story the children can use the success criteria sheet to check they include all the key elements in their story. Finally the children can use the success criteria to check their work. If you would like to email me photo copies of the story, I will give the children three stars and a wish for their stories.

The spelling focus this week is suffixes. For both the spellings and story writing, there are supporting games on Education City.


I have just set one topic task this week as you may want to use any other time to complete some of the VE Day work. The topic task this week is to create a tree collage. Please only use things you have around the house and drawings will be fine if you are short on craft materials. I have included some example tree collages in the document below.

I hope you all have a good week. It was wonderful to catch up with you all on the telephone last week and I can't wait to see you all in person.

Stay safe and lots of love to you all, Mrs Bagshaw x

Here are some fantastic communication posters from Carter and Henry. Well done boys!

Here is Dylan with his fantastic communication poster. Well done, what a great poster it is!

Two more fantastic computing messaging posters from Eva and Melody. Great work girls.

Here are some fantastic computing posters from Madison, Archie and Charlie. Well done guys 👍😀

Work for the week beginning 27.4.20


The focus for maths this week is the relationship between addition and subtraction. The children have been taught that they are inverse (opposite) operations. We have done a lot of work on making calculations from three numbers so for example I would give the children 5, 11, 6 and they would record four calculations (5+6=11, 6+5=11, 11-5=6, 11-6=5). The rules we have learnt are addition can be done in any order and for subtraction the bigger number goes first. This will be a good starting point for maths this week. Although if your child if confused to start I would give them a full calculation 5+6=11, then get them to do it in a different order 6+5=11 then to work out the subtraction calculations by putting the bigger number first. There are maths activities below plus the usual supporting games on Education City.


This is the second week of the traditional tale unit and the grammar focus is sentence types and the past and present tense. There are four sentence types to learn in Y2, a statement (The girl has a ball), command (Put your coat on!), question (How are you?) and exclamation sentence. Exclamation sentences are the hardest, they need to start with What or how and have a verb and exclamation mark. (What a beautiful day it is! Or What a beautiful day it was!) The activity book below for sentence types and sentence tenses does start with a guide for parents but please email me if you have any questions. I have also attached posters we use in class.

Then the second focus is the past and present tense. The activities below focus on the present tense (I walk to school, he jumps up high), the past tense (I walked to school, he jumped up high), the present progressive tense (I am walking to school, he is jumping up high) and the past progressive tense (I was walking to school, he was jumping up high). Again the activity booklet does explain this is more detail first. There are also supporting tasks on Education City.


The focus is words ending with le and el.


The focus continues on trees. I have attached below a sorting activities for evergreen (trees that keep their leaves) and deciduous (trees that lose their leaves). There is an answer sheet!!!! You could extend this by grouping the trees in a different way.


The new unit focuses on emailing. The task for this week is to design a poster to show all the different ways of sending messages, traditional (letter, card) and electronic (email, blog, video message). I have included a web link below to show ways of electronic messaging. Please email pictures of these posters and I will be able to put them in the Y2 Computing class work booklet.

I hope you are all well and can’t wait to catch up with you all. For those children I have not spoken to yet, I will be contacting you all personally this week to catch up. In the meantime if you have any questions for concerns at all please contact me on the stpcmrsbagshaw@icloud.com email.

Stay safe and lots of love to you all,


Mrs Bagshaw x

Henry was very busy on Earth Day on his tree walk and he has also made some fantastic Pokemon craft. Well done Henry! 👍😄

I hope you are all enjoying the start of the Easter holidays. Eva has been busy making some Easter cards. I thought I would share them with you so maybe you could have a go at making some yourselves. Happy Easter to you all, love Mrs Bagshaw X

Henry has had a great week! What a fantastic breaded dragon and poem! Well done Henry 👍😆

Archie's amazing story and fantastic animal sculpture. Great work Archie, well done 😃👍

Here is Carter's fantastic animal sculpture. Can you see what it is? Daisy has been busy decorating an amazing Easter egg. Well done!

Look at Melody's amazing poem. Great work, well done! 😃👍

Dylan has completed a fantastic piece of writing and decorated his egg. Great work Dylan! Eva has been busy making an elephant family from recycled milk bottles. They are fab!!

Two amazing animal poems from Eva and Carter. Great work, they are fantastic 👍👍

Daisy and Eva have been very busy decorating these eggs. Well done girls, they look great 😀👍

Eva's new pets!

Eva has been very busy making these fantastic animal masks. Great work Eva 😀👍

Here is a suggested timetable for your child's home learning day.

Here is the Y2 letter with guidance for those pupils in self-isolation.

Starting Monday 20th, the BBC have launched series of daily lessons for each year group.  These have been put together with teachers and incorporate a daily Maths & English lesson along with a lesson from the wider curriculum e.g. Geography or Music etc...

If you would like to explore these lessons for ideas or activities, or to add a bit of variety to the week I have pasted the link to the Year 2 Bitesize page below.

Let me know what you think!

Accessing Books Online from our Reading Scheme

Collins - the company that publishes our school reading scheme - have very kindly agreed to allow parents to access all books online while children remain at home.

Please see below how you can do this.


Access 330+ free KS1 ebooks from our primary reading programme

Go to Collins Connect and click on the Teacher portal and enter: 

Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk

Password: Parents20! 

and click Login. 

Song of Sounds 2

This is a song that we sing daily to help the children recognise some of the Phase 3 and Phase 5 graphemes (written letter patterns) and their corresponding phonemes (sounds).

Here are the Year Two Common exception words. Can you put these words into sentences. Have a go at some of the worksearches then try to make your own wordsearch with some of the words.