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Tova Y3/4 2021-2022

Dear Parents, 


Week beginning 28.3.22 

Please find work for your child to complete should they be absent from school. There are maths 

work sheets and  answer pages to the maths sheets so you or your child can mark the maths work after the sheet is completed. Also, please find English work and topic work below. This web page will be updated for children who are off school. 



Kind regards, 


Mr Davies 

English Week Beginning 28.3.22


This week we are learning about expanded noun phrases with modifying adjectives and prepositional phrases, the present perfect tense and punctuating speech. 


Resources below:   



Art Week Beginning 7.3.22

Guided Reading Week Beginning 28.2.22

English Week Beginning 28.2.22


Lesson 1- PEE activity to compare the two explanation texts. 

Lesson 2 and 3- Conjunctions if, when, because and although 

Lesson 4- Showing time, place and cause with conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions

Lesson 5- Possessive -s (singular possession) 


For lessons 3,4,and 5 pupils are writing a draft explanation text about how the water cycle works but they need to include conjunctions if, when, because and although. They also need to show time, place and cause using the conjunction, adverbs and preposition mat and including some of these words in their explanation text. Finally, pupils need to add an example of a singular possessive s into their explanation text. 


Please find some resources below: 

Materials Topic Personalised Learning

English Week Beginning 14.2.22


We are beginning a new unit of work this week. Pupils will be learning about the structure and language features of an explanation text. 


Lesson 1: Comprehension based on the water cycle explanation text. 

Lesson 2: Vocabulary- Use a dictionary to look uo unfamiliar words and write the word and definition. 

Lesson 3: Summarising a text. 

Lesson 4: Class discussion comparing 2 different explanation texts of the water cycle. 

Lesson 5: PEE activity. 


Please find the resources below: 

English 7.2.22


This week pupils will be writing their final shape poem. 

Use the shape poem template provided below to write your shape poem. 

You can write more than one and choose which one for your final write. 

Use the success criteria to check you have included everything you need to. 

Include a simile, onomatopoeia, alliteration and an example of -a and -an. 

Remember to check your spelling and punctuation. 

English Week Beginning 31.1.22


This week we will be beginning to practise writing shape poems about rain in the shape of a raindrop. 

Lesson 1: The difference between 'a' and 'an'

Lesson 2: Learning the difference between standard and non standard English 

Lesson 3: Continuation of lesson 2. 

Lesson 4: Pronouns 

Lesson 5: Pronouns. 


Please find below some resource pages and a raindrop shape template to practise shape poems about rain. 

English WB 24.1.22


We are beginning a new unit this week. We will be reading a range of different shape poems and discussing the language. 


Monday- Completing the Learning Pathway Targets, finishing all English corrections, reading the shape poem- discussing the language- list the exciting verbs and adjectives in the poem.  


Tuesday- Vocabulary zone of relevance- pupils have to place the vocabulary into where they think the word belongs. The nearer to the raindrop the more it applies to rain. The further away, the less the word applies to rain. Pupils write the words where they think they should go.


Wednesday- Complete a PEE to show that the shape poem is interesting and exciting to the reader because it contains descriptive language. 


Thursday- Comprehension Activity 


Friday- Pupils think of their own comprehension questions to ask their partner using fortune tellers containing question prompts. 


Please find resources below: 


Guided Reading Week Beginning 24.1.22

English Week beginning 17.1.22  


This week we will begin to write our final piece about our visit to Ford Green Hall. 


Lesson 1- Time Fronted Adverbials. 

Lesson 2-Planning the recount 

Lesson 3- Writing the recount 

Lesson 4- Writing the recount 

Lesson 5- Editing and improving the recount 


Please find resources below: 

Pupils practise writing 2 of the bookmark spelling words each day in school. I have added these bookmarks below for pupils to practise at home. Also please practise the 6 times table this week. 

The Potteries (History) Personalised Learning Activities


Week beginning 4.1.22

We are beginning a new English unit this week. Pupils will be learning how to write a recount. 

This week is our reading week and we will be focusing on summarising paragraphs by picking out the main points from each one and then we well be looking at how language and presentation add to the meaning of a text. 


Lesson 1- Summarise paragraph 1, 2 and 3 of the class text 

Lesson 2- Summarise the rest of the class text

Lesson 3- Compare two different recounts and use the success criteria to compare which is the most successful by discussing in groups. 

Lesson 4- Complete a PEE (point, evidence and explain) on which recount is the most successful. 


Please find below the resources and sheets needed for these tasks. 

English Week Commencing 29.11.21


This unit is an adventure narrative unit. We are reading The Ice Palace story in class and identifying expanded nouns, paragraphs, punctuation of direct speech and fronted adverbials. 

Please find attached a copy of the text of Ice Palace and some worksheets to practise the skills stated above.  

Ice Palace Text

Fire and Ice (Geography) Personalised Learning Activities

English WB 1.11.21 


We start a new unit of work this week. Pupils will learn how to write an instruction text. Over the next 3 weeks they will write an instruction text about making a bird feeder. 


WB 1.11.21 

Lesson 1: Asking questions to improve your understanding of a text. 

Lesson 2: Comprehension

Lesson 3: Complete a PEE

Lesson 4: Compare two instruction texts

Lesson 5: The difference between 'a' and 'an'

DT Personalised Learning Activities

DT Topic Personalised Learning Activities for home

Engish Week Beginning 18.10.21


This week we are planning and writing a non-chronological report about tigers. 

Please include a title, and then a paragraph for the following subtitles: 





Fun facts section


Please use the tiger non-chronological report provided as a guide. 

Please see the language features sheet for a non-chronological report before writing. 

Also include the following conjunctions: 

Before, after, although, when, if, because 

Include paragraphs and plural and possessive -s


Lesson 1- Plan your non-chronological report about tigers

Lesson 2- Write introduction and habitat paragraphs

Lesson 3- Write diet and offspring paragraphs 

Lesson 4- write fun facts section then read through and correct mistakes 

Lesson 5- Read your report carefully and correct spelling and punctuation mistakes. Edit your non chronological and improve it by checking if you have included everything you need to. 

Non-Chronological report teaching slides

Topic Week Beginning 18.10.21


Please complete 4 hours worth of topic activities. 

Animals Personalised Learning

Week beginning 11.10.21

In English we have started to look at non-chronological reports about animals. Pupils have been identifying the key features of a non-chronological report about tigers. Please find attached some 

work for your child to do this week: 


1) Conjunctions when, if, because, although in writing to extend a range of sentences with more than one clause.

2) Organising writing into paragraphs (2 lessons)

3) Using plural -S and possessive -S correctly (2 lessons) 



Topic- Animals (Complete 4 hours of activities)